Android YouTube Player API Delivers Robust Features Without WebView

Posted by REVELVED on Thursday, December 27, 2012

As a form of dedication and development for the Android platform Youtube, Google reportedly has just meggulirkan Youtube Player API latest Android specifically dedicated to the Android application developer.

With features and capabilities are provided, it is expected that Android developers will be able to develop applications that present high-quality video experience on Android-based devices available.

Occurrences API player has been first introduced by Google I / O 2012. API player has been equipped with high-quality video playback of supported Android 2.2 Froyo or the most recent, and is easily integrated for Android applications without the need to bring the WebView. Not to mention, there is also support for full screen and change orientation, as well as display advertising and caption Youtube.

In addition, the Android YouTube Player API also has the ability to access the program, similar to the player API available, most aspects of the experience YouTube video playback, as well as integration with YouTube Android app that uses a standard set of YouTube.

Blog, Updated at: 10:39 PM

1 komentar:

  1. Not to mention, there is also support for full screen and change orientation,buy youtube views for cheap price


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