Fasting Tips During Pregnancy

Posted by REVELVED on Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fasting During Pregnancy Tips. During the examination of pregnant women have been carried out and otherwise healthy and has consulted with an expert, so pregnant women are allowed to perform fast, especially during the month of Ramadan. Pregnant women must be very fast in different running when not pregnant, need special tips that are running fast to really be a blessing and worship nan still being undertaken to make content always healthy. Here are some tips that can be done by pregnant women during fasting:
When Sahur

- When the dawn, select foods that contain protein and fat in sufficient quantities. Both types of these nutrients may persist longer in the digestive tract, thus slowing down hunger during the day. Pregnant women should consume lots of meat. Meat is a food that contains very high in calories and protein that the body can be stored in a long time.

- Strive also foods rich in vitamin C and the mineral zinc (zinc) to maintain the vitality of the body.

- Do not eat sugary foods at dawn so that the body is limp and quickly feel hungry due to insulin shock.

- We recommend that until the dawn of time out, try to drink water as much as possible. If you can drink water during the day as much as two liters. And coupled with a glass of warm milk. Drink a glass of milk every meal may reduce the risk of anemia for pregnant women.
When Fasting

- Go with the intention of fasting and round and sincere determination to the days of fasting was light and happy despite being pregnant.

- Get enough rest. Where possible provide more than the portion of the previous break.

- Reduce the portion of an activity that requires extra energy, such as activities in the field or the heavy thoughts. As far as possible avoid stress and
throw away the habit / urge to be angry.

- As soon as the fast abort if pregnant women experience:

  a. Vomiting more than 3 times a feared cause dehydration.

  b. Followed by diarrhea heartburn and stomach

  c. Bleeding caused by rupture of blood vessels is a sign of an unstable condition of the body

  d. Weakness, dizziness followed by a dizzy eye signs of hypoglycemia feared malnourished fetus.

  e. Experience excessive sweating, especially in a cold sweat a sign that the body that the physical condition of pregnant women had no more power to fast
When Breaking

- Start breaking with warm drinks and sweetened to improve blood sugar levels, but pregnant women should also be fixed to limit sugary foods and beverages. Avoid cold drinks because it can reduce the work of the stomach.

- Then the pregnant women can continue to eat foods that contain carbohydrates simplex easier absorption of the body, such as compote or dates.

- After evening prayers, eat a bigger portion, but do not immediately go crazy. Eating large amounts can make your body weak. Therefore, eat in moderation. After tarawih prayers, try to eat even a little.

- Before bed, to process the production of milk, try eating a light meal with a warm drink.

Source :

Blog, Updated at: 10:35 PM

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