10 Design of Future Laptops

Posted by REVELVED on Sunday, January 8, 2012

1. HP Nobag

HP laptop version is designed for women who do not like the bags for laptops. The concept of this laptop is designed to be rolled up like an umbrella when not in use and elegant accessory carrying it properly.

This laptop is equipped with OLED screens (organic light emitting diode) and touch sensors. This laptop is designed specifically for women offered by HP, the result of creativity combined with the 'thinking out of the box' a designer, Nikita Buyanov.

2. Moonlight Laptop

The concept laptop comes with duel-curved screens, where there are two curved screen, which allows users to maintain an ideal distance between the eyes and the laptop screen to reduce eye stress.
The bottom of the screen using the touch screen technology and can be used for the mouse or run a mini OS in the background, or simply as an attachment of a larger screen.

Frame sensor controlled and lights in the dark and has a pair of long legs to lift the laptop and to put the keyboard properly.

3. Canvas Laptop

A designer named Kyle Cherry has developed a laptop is the 21st century.

This laptop has a touch-sensitive screen is very thin and the other components will look almost the same but they will be adjusted to better.

Designer Kyle Cherry has envisioned a new type of computer with an intense creativity in mind. Called the 'canvas', the computer is designed to improve quality and productivity of the designer or artist.

This laptop is intended to facilitate computer users with little experience or no experience at all, to switch from the traditional to the way the workings of a digital work.

4. Sony Vaio Zoom

Designed by Eno Setiawan (Indonesia Designers), Vaio Zoom notebook concept takes everything we know about holographic technology and squeezes it into a thin glass.

When active, the screen is completely transparent and the keyboard goes opaque. Turn on and the touchscreen holographic festivities begin! Even the mouse button hologram!

This is just a concept so there's no info on important tidbits like tactile feedback, battery, system statistics, etc., but the rest sure such technology is closer than you think. It may not come all at once but it came, that's for sure!

5. Asus dual panel laptop

Dual panel offers a flexible workspace in which users can adapt to fit the scenario of use that apply to them. For example adjusting the size of the virtual touchpad and keyboard.

Through hand gestures, handwriting recognition, and multitouch, users are presented with a control surface that is flexible and intuitive.

Users can use dual-panel concept in a variety of usage scenarios.

For example as a conventional notebook with multitouch screens, a virtual keyboard and touchpad, a multimedia hub, in which both dual panels could combine to form a larger display for widescreen entertainment, or the E-book mode in which users can hold the dual panel concept notebook as they will hold a conventional book while flipping pages through intuitive gestures or by touch.

These concepts aim to provide convenience to the user through technological innovations and user-centric design.

6. Samsung AMOLED

Display AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) has been in the spotlight because of the quality of their big screens and Samsung have started applying this new technology in some devices like cell phones and cameras.

Recently the Division at Samsung SDI comes with AMOLED notebook prototype which they claim produces a contrast ratio of about 20 times larger than the LCD!

AMOLED concept notebook by Samsung also has a unique design with a slim and sleek touch-sensitive keyboard.

7. Compenion laptop

Felix Schmidberger has designed a laptop for 2015 with OLED touch screen.

It consists of two sliding OLED screens, one of which can be used as a keyboard, when required. In our opinion, this is a concept laptop that looks most interesting, and in future will make the concept of this laptop is much better later on.

The computer itself has a OLED touchscreen, similar to a UMPC or PDA.

The whole screen is a slider, because it can be moved forward to reveal a second OLED touchscreen below, where you can have a keyboard or working controls, similar to the setup with 2 monitors.

8. MacBook Touch

This concept is based on one of Apple's latest patent.

Using a transparent multitouch display that can work as a control surface on two sides, both while the device is opened and closed.

Could this really be the holy grail of tablet computing?

Transparent touch screen will take the role of multitouch surface normal when the computer is closed. When the computer is opened, using a normal clamshell move, the surface will display a keyboard or other user interface.

9. Apple iMac

Concept Design by Adam Benton is based on the design trends as well as the incarnation of Apple's previous iMac.

With a 30-inch pitches transparent screen that can be set to various levels of transparency and is completely transparent when turned off.

Keyboard, also transparent, ergonomically designed with the illuminating light-sensitive buttons and the whole set-up, of course, wireless!

10. Mac Tabs

Designer Yann Le Coroller has created an unofficial Mac Tablet, called MacTab.

Ultraportable laptops is a concept that fits with the image of Apple.

Yan explains, "very thin wireless keyboard is used as a protective cover to transport live in a place with a combination of magnets and notches .. On the back of the computer, a hinge that allows it to be placed in a vertical position so that you can use MacTab comfortably on your desk.

Blog, Updated at: 2:13 AM

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